Tiny Star
Hi!! Welcome to sweetlolita.neocities.org!! j this is my personal website where I get to express myself freely without any worries, so simply put, a place that is my own, i'd like to think of it as a digital paradise for me, and I plan for it to stay that way!

I've always enjoyed the idea of creating a website for yourself in order to share your thoughts and interests ever since I was a very young girl, though I haven't really started getting into html and css until january last year, I had a site before though I will not list it as i'd like for it to be kept a secret! I might not be able to update this site very frequently due to school aswell as exams, though, please enjoy looking around, I hope youll find something that catches your eye, dearest visitor!! CD
6/1/24 HI... Sorry for abandoning this site for such a long time TT__TT i've been busy with school and exams lately so I haven't gotten to update the site properly for a while, But im here to tell you that the shrine homepage is finally up and ready!! i'm planning on working on some of the shrines for the page, so, stay tuned!

2/23/24 Blog page is finally up due to (un)popular demand! i'm still a little disappointed the dividers arent really working but I like the final result so far, i'll be dumping all of my thoughts in here though I don't think it's too interesting, but, if you do happen to read it though, I appreciate it a lot!! i'll most likely be working on the diary or shrines page next. stay tuned!

2/22/2024 About me page has now been released! im pretty happy with how it came out, I think it describes me pretty well! for some reason the status.cafe part isnt showing up but i'll get to it eventually~!! for now, enjoy!

2/18/2024 Site has finally been launched!! I absolutely adore how it looks right now, I feel like it reflects me a lot more while still being cutesy just like how I want it to be!! k
Link me

Feel free to link any of my buttons on your page, it would be heavily appreciated! please avoid hotlinking, instead, upload on somewhere like postimg.cc or on your dashboard, please and thank you!! G

Riamu department..
