"Hetalia: Axis Powers" (ヘタリア Axis Powers) is a webcomic made in 2005, and later adapted into an anime which was released on around January 24th 2009, created by Hidekaz Himaruya and produced by Studio Deen spanning over
atleast five seasons, which became a
hit, though the fandom has died down in the past couple of years, there are still a decent amount of highly passionate fans lurking around the web, such as on sites like tumblr and sometimes twitter, you just have to look in the right places!
To sum it up, the plot is mostly about countries as anime gijinkas with their own different personalities and backgrounds, a lot of them, if not all are
heavily stereotypical, which (very rightfully) sounds absurd, slightly offensive, and a bit stupid, which is the point! The episodes span 4-5 minutes long making them both easy to find on online spaces such as youtube + anime sites,
and easy for the watcher to digest.
The episodes are, a lot of the time, focused on the 3 protagonists, (North) Italy, who is the energetic, flirty, pasta-loving, easygoing protagonist and the face of the show, Germany, the stern, rule-abiding man with a soft spot for dogs, and Japan, the quiet, meek, hard-working otaku, who is the last to be introduced of the main three.
They mainly include them (as well as other members of the series) in comedic and extremely exaggerated situations as well as historical events! though sometimes a few other members of the main cast get the spotlight and even have their own episodes centering around them, such as the allies which consist of America, England, France, Russia, and China, (North) Italy's older brother, (South) Italy, Russia's siblings, Belarus and Ukraine, and a lot more!

I intially discovered Hetalia back in around February of this year around a few months ago, while I was scrolling on pinterest like I usually do, I saw a picture of one of the characters, America (aka. Alfred F Jones) who is now one of my all-time favorite characters, I thought to myself 'he looks pretty cute!', I then let my curiosity satiate me and I decided to look him up online.
A few days after, I decided to watch a few episodes of the series, and lo and behold, I
immediately got hooked on the show, the characters, just everything about it had me in so deep, despite it being a satirical and mostly humorous series it also had it's moments where it had me sitting on the edge of my seat anticipating for more, such as America's relationship with England, the whole HRE and Chibitalia doomed narrative back in early-mid S1, and a few more examples.
I think part of what makes Hetalia unique for me personally is that I haven't really seen anything
exactly like it, like, just the concept is just hard to wrap my head around yet it manages to make it stick the landing just right.
Despite it being known for being
notoriously out of date and to top it off, it's insanely infamous fanbase, it still has a soft spot in me, and many other people's hearts and will continue to do so ♡