blog!! HD
The webmaster feels: Happy!
Currently: Coding!
2/23/24 My first blog entry!! Today was just an average day for me, I don't think theres much happening as per usual but today I talked with my IRL friend over videocall and it was pretty fun!! she's probably one of the closest people I know, even if we might not really get along that well (which is rare), I still appreciate her still staying with me even when I was at my lowest, I think without her I probably wouldn't have opened up to others as much, and I wouldn't have gotten over my fear of talking / being judged. I ate some lunch today which was some chicken my mom and dad made and it tasted pretty good!
I'm also finally finishing up some of the site links, I think i'm having a lot more fun with this site rather than my previous one, I think it describes me a lot better, within my personality and what I like and i'm happy with it!! i'm still so surprised on how much new followers i got in under a week.. around 33 of you guys! thats enough to fit a classroom full of people, I appreciate everyone's support and I hope this site makes you just as happy as it did for me!!
Todays Song: Love ward - OSTER PROJECT
With love, Mari
Currently: Coding!
2/23/24 My first blog entry!! Today was just an average day for me, I don't think theres much happening as per usual but today I talked with my IRL friend over videocall and it was pretty fun!! she's probably one of the closest people I know, even if we might not really get along that well (which is rare), I still appreciate her still staying with me even when I was at my lowest, I think without her I probably wouldn't have opened up to others as much, and I wouldn't have gotten over my fear of talking / being judged. I ate some lunch today which was some chicken my mom and dad made and it tasted pretty good!
I'm also finally finishing up some of the site links, I think i'm having a lot more fun with this site rather than my previous one, I think it describes me a lot better, within my personality and what I like and i'm happy with it!! i'm still so surprised on how much new followers i got in under a week.. around 33 of you guys! thats enough to fit a classroom full of people, I appreciate everyone's support and I hope this site makes you just as happy as it did for me!!
Todays Song: Love ward - OSTER PROJECT
With love, Mari
Welcome to my blog!! this is basically where the real fun starts, I get to ramble about anything I want in here, be it personal life, interests, or whatever I find interesting! basically, a more light hearted version of my diary, Hopefully you'll enjoy my rambles, or don't, your decision!